

This recipe for trout provides a light main course. For this dish the fish is first skinned and then flambéed with whiskey. Zucchini and cherry tomatoes are vitamin-rich ingredients emphasizing the aroma.


  • 2 rainbow trout
  • 50-100 ml of whiskey
  • 40 ml of vegetable oil
  • 1 zucchini
  • 1 lemon
  • 1 sprig of rosemary
  • 300 g cherry tomatoes


The trout is a fish that demands little knowledge from the cook. The fast-growing rainbow trout is originally from England and has been bred in other countries since 1885. The meat is characterized by a high content of protein. It also contains omega-3 fatty acids, about 140 milligrams per 100 grams of fish.

Our recipe for the trout is simple and refined at the same time. To skin the trout, you need a sharp knife. You place the trout with the skin down on a cutting board and insert the tip of the knife into the layer of fat between the skin and the meat. Then brush the knife flat against the skin layer. Flambéing gives the trout that certain something turning a simple fried fish a delicacy.

Trout detailed photo recipe

45 minutes

1. Place baking paper onto a pan with teflon coatin. Then arrange the trout on top of it.

2. Season with pepper and salt according to taste. Add sprig of rosemary.

3. Cover the fish with baking paper and weight down, for example with a pot.

4. Fry for 10 minutes on both sides. Then carefully peel off the skin.

5. Pour alcohol over the fish and flambé. Remove fish from the pan.

6. Add a bit of oil into the same pan and place vegetable into it. Fry for 3-4 minutes.

7. Serve with slices of lemon.

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